A. Prof. Kanokkarn Kaewnuch, Ph.D
National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand
Research Area: Tourism Impacts Assessment, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Sustainable Tourism Development, Pro-poor tourism, Community-Based Tourism, Social Enterprise, Responsible Tourism, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Event Management, Value Proposition, Tourism Marketing Communications, Tourism Strategic Branding
Brief: I have over 15 years of research experience in tourism and hospitality management. I have published over 20 research papers on various dimensions of tourism studies ranging from tourism destination management to tourist behaviors etc. I am keen on continuing my focus on tourism and hospitality study for advancing new body of knowledge on this area.
Speech Title: Service Quality Factors of Small Accommodation in Thailand Influencing Thai Tourists' Loyalty
Speech Abstract: This is a quantitative study designed to study the service quality factors influencing Thai tourists’ loyalty. The sample in this study were four-hundred Thai tourists who have experienced small accommodation services by using questionnaires to collect data. inferential statistics including Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis is used to test the research’s hypothesis by examining the impacts of service quality factors on Thai tourists’ loyalty. The results found that the most statistically significant service quality factor influencing Thai tourists' loyalty in reliability is adherence to agreed-upon contracts, responsiveness is the problem is solved quickly by eagerness, service provider is the maximum benefits for tourists are being considered, accessibility is the service at the accommodation can be accessed without prior reservation, communication is the details of accessing the service can be clearly explained, safety is outsiders are not permitted to stay overnight at the hotel, tangible is smoking areas are proportionately provided within the hotel premises, environment is convenient connections to interesting locations can be made from the hotel's location and ancillary service is the value for money of ancillary services.
Prof. Syed Abdul Rehman Khan
Xuzhou University of Technology, China
Research Area:Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Brief: Dr. Syed Abdul Rehman Khan is an expert of Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Dr Khan achieved his CSCP—Certified Supply Chain Professional certificate from the U.S.A. and completed his Postdoctoral fellowship from Tsinghua University.
Dr Khan is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management. He has more than twelve years’ core experience of supply chain and logistics in industry and academic levels. He has attended several international conferences and also has been invited as a keynote speaker in different countries. He has published more than 200+ scientific research papers in different well-renowned international peer-reviewed journals (SSCI/SCI and ABS listed) and conferences, including several research papers have been indexed in Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Dr Khan is authored of four books and editor of nine books related to the sustainability in supply chain and business operations. He is a regular contributor to conferences and workshops around the world.
A. Prof. Apirada Chinprateep
National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand
Research Area: Macroeconomics, Modelling, Growth and Development, International Trade, Monetary Economics, Public Finance, Environment and Natural Resource, Infrastructure and Project Appraisal, Business Data Analysis
Brief: Apirada Chinprateep serves as Deputy Director, Center for ASEAN Economic Community Capability Research, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand and Certified professional Green and Sustainable Finance from the U.K. Apirada Chinprateep has nearly 30 years of experience in the field of economics. At present, she works at the National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand, currently, she works as economics associate professorenjoys teachings and doing research, and visiting various countries.She completed her Ph.D. from the Universitof Minnesota (Twin Cities), USA. which she found it was not only with cold weather much during yearlong but is also a very beautiful land of ten thousand lakes, with many headquarters or originals of various global companies. She had some academic and research experiences working in the United States when she was there.
Speech Title: A way towards sustainable infrastructure for ASEAN in 21st Century and Strong Future to the Industrial Revolution and Post-Covid-19 Era
Speech Abstract: “Sustainability" has been a part of public interest: protecting the welfare of those in the future is an important rolefor those in the present, Some critics involve providing more resources for the future, through investment, reduceswealth that could be used now to address current problems, such as poverty and access to health care. The ability tosubstitute some goods for others greatly increases the ability to maintain or improve welfare. If there are substitutesfor goods that may be depleted, such as fossil fuels, or if techmological advances allow us to substitute abundantresources for depleted ones, then we can improve our welfare even while running out of some goods. On the othelhand, investment provides greater returns in the future, the reductions to ensure future welfare may not need to belarge. Some problems involve public goods and externalities;, requiring special tools to explore possible answvers forpublic project investment towards sustainable growth. This paper will discuss and show all the ideas mentioned forthe case of each country in the place of when to be mingled in Asian Economic Community and for the case of eachcountry, Infrastructure can be categorized into hard and soft infrastructure. These refers to physical structures orfacilities that support the economy, and non-tangible supporting the development. Cross-border or regionalinfrastructure may be defined as infrastructure that connects two or more countries. The findings of this study showus a draft picture of the benefits of public infrastructure can be considered in around many decades of period. Moreis reserved to study more of how well predict the public usages and ability to return of each project as well ascorruption problems to minimum.Also, according to the collected information, there is a possibility that digital innovations in the next generation willcreate enormous opportunities for Thailand, and the ASEAN Economic Community, It is expected that in the future.perhaps within the next 10 years, all work positions will be very different from nowadays.
Pro. Liu Hui
Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
Research area: Machine learning, soft sensing, image recognition
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2024 3rd International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Economy(UPRE 2024) http://www.icupre.net/